How do I get a refund?
Instead of a refund, how about offering another kid that cannot afford soccer the opportunity to play? If you want to donate instead of receiving a refund, send an email to [email protected] and let us know who to drop and who to add. Thank you!
Refund Policy:
No refunds on National AYSO Fees.
AYSO Region 287 refunds may be given to children 4-18 who have not played or attended any practices. Refunds will not be given after August 15th. Absolutely no refunds will be given if the child has received a uniform or attended practice. Special consideration may be given to children who are medically unable to play. Requests will be looked at on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the board. Refunds will only be considered with a written request. The request must include the child's name, date of birth, and a brief reason for the refund. It must be received by August 15th along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. A minimum $20 processing fee will be deducted for each refund requested. Mail the request to the following address:
AYSO 287 Refund Request
C/O Ashly Smith
Regional Commissioner
PO Box 13987
Ogden, UT 84412